“La Arquitectura de la Información es la disciplina (arte y ciencia) encargada de estructurar, organizar y etiquetar los elementos que conforman los entornos informacionales para facilitar de esta manera la localización (o el acceso a) de la información contenida en los mismos y mejorar, así, su utilidad y aprovechamiento por parte de los usuarios”.
Mario Pérez-Montoro, FIMA (UB), autor del llibre “Arquitectura de la información en entornos web“
“Information Architecture (IA) is a design discipline that is focused on making information findable and understandable. Because of this, it is uniquely well suited to address these challenges. IA allows us to think about problems through two important perspectives: that information products and services are perceived by people as places made of information, and that these information environments can be organized for optimum findability and understandability.”
Louis Rosenfeld, Information Architecture: For the Web and Beyond
“Good design, when it’s done well, becomes invisible. It’s only when it’s done poorly that we notice it.”
Jared Spool, co-fundador de Center Centre, escola de disseny per adults